Internet Archive Canada Opens New Vancouver Headquarters

Thursday, June 16th, 2022 – 330 West Pender St. Vancouver, BC 6:30 PM – 10:30 The Internet Archive Canada is excited to open the doors to its new Vancouver Headquarters this Spring and Celebrate the 16th Year of the Internet Archive Canada. In timing with the Association of Canadian Archivists 2022 Conference, IAC is opening … Continue reading Internet Archive Canada Opens New Vancouver Headquarters

Join us at the Canadian Web and Digital Archiving Meetup

We will be hosting a Web and Digital Archiving Meetup at our new Canadian headquarters in Vancouver on June 14th. Coinciding with the Association of Canadian Archivists Conference, the event will feature presentations, lightning talks and time for discussion and networking. We also plan to have a tour of our new space, as well as … Continue reading Join us at the Canadian Web and Digital Archiving Meetup

Come Say Hello! IA Canada Staff at Upcoming Conferences

Internet Archive Canada staff will be on location at two upcoming in-person Canadian conferences. Find us first in Regina at the 2022 Saskatchewan Libraries Conference. Community Programs Officer Catherine Falls will be presenting on our Community Webs program with Geoffrey Allen of Regina Public Library on May 5th. Next, for those in the Calgary area, … Continue reading Come Say Hello! IA Canada Staff at Upcoming Conferences